Ballet is much more than a style of dance, an art, it is a way of life, culture, beauty and artistic taste in all its manifestations. L'ETOILE is a place where adults, children, professionals and amateurs will find their meeting point. The classes are carried out in a playful way, developing the creative potential of children from three years old, activating their physical development.
We also invite all adults to our school, the atmosphere of the ballet lessons encourages you, you get an excellent health, you acquire a correct body posture, a graceful gait and also relieve stress. You can come to our school at any age and with any level of preparation or level.
LÉTOILE uses Agrippina Vaganova's method as the basis of its teaching, which is a continuation and development of the traditions of the Italian, French and Russian schools and is considered a legitimate and adequate model of ballet pedagogy. At the same time included in the program of the school, the preparation and participation of the students of the school in various ballet competitions, which we consider an important part of our pedagogical plan. This helps each student to cope with stressful situations, discipline and develops their sense of responsibility. For many of them the fact of going on stage is already an achievement, facing the challenge of dancing under the eyes of a jury and rivals in a competition is an incredible self-improvement.
Competition is necessary and this is an incentive to grow and progress, and above all to manage knowledge and sensations.
We are pleased to inform you that we are inaugurating a course for the new academic year in the areas of ballet, physical preparation, classical, modern and character dance.
Welcome and we are waiting for you with open arms.